lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

medieval castles

I am going to upload the files to help you to make the presentation about the project that you are building in the workshop

SCRATCH: an app you will enjoy a lot

Hola chicos:
Aunque la utilizaremos en clase, por si alguien quiere ir investigando y divirtiéndose creando, aquí os dejo este enlace:
Que lo disfrutéis

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Creating a blog

Here I give you some advice about creating a blog. Remenber you have to create your own blog before May, 4th.
Think about something nice and interesting and write about it.
See you in the classroom

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

Hojas de cálculo (Spreadsheets)

I sent you by PASEN a Calc manual and the exrecises you have to do. You have to send them in a file named nombreapellido.ods. Be carefull the size of the file is less than 2 MB, because if it is bigger you won´t be able to send it

Metals 1

 You have to make a work about metals and you can use this information: