jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Archivos en inglés de clase

Hello guys:
This is the first time I write in this blog and I do it to give you some documents that can help you to study for the exam.
Here the pictures that I have showed you in the classroom. I hope it help you to prepare the exam

Technological processes

Graphical expression:


viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

Happy New Year !!!

Welcome back to our blog. Here you have new links to study the subject:

Raw and technical materials (Presentation)

Tutorial about spreedsheets (OpenOffice Calc)



These are the items we have to study to pass the exams.

Now I am going to tell you what works you have to do in this term:

1. Exercises of spreedsheets (using openOffice Calc or Excel)
2. Presentation and exposition about Metals or Structures (in English)
3. Optional: Materials clasification

I am going to evaluate the notebook too, and your behavior and the way you work in the workshop.

See you in the classroom

Ask me if you do not understand anything. ok?